For me, the role is not so much to influence but to lead and show the way. Policies and procedures need to be shown to be understood and then people come together to have that influence. The rest is perseverance. Dont give up.
"They haven't picked me because I'm a councillor or a former deputy Lord Mayor. It has been about breaking down barriers."
What a year 2012 holds for Plymouth, the Olympic Torch, Armed Forces Week, St Georges Day, Thanksgiving plus the Sport Mile Pirate Fun Run on March 25th – to name but a few. If there’s a reason for an event that will promote Plymouth you’ll see me at it! I’ll probably be over active for the next 12 months.
After the votes were counted, Mr Singh said: "Drake voters probably asked themselves what had been accomplished over the past four years." He said his victory had been achieved through hard work, determination and keeping up appearances.
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