Our understanding of habits and patterns within our personal lives and on a societal level has expanded. We know a great deal more about the science underlying habits; why they emerge and how they change.
Pratiyahar is the practice of cutting a negative thought with a positive one. This is how to control the mind. It is the same thing with a habit.
Aside from long workdays, long commutes and also bringing work home.... are clearly interfering with American's sleep time.
Once two young boys and a dog faced a challenge, how to get yogurt for their hungry dog when they didn't have money. In the story one of the boys thought of a plan to accomplished the task, which seemed impossible. Listen to the story and hear what the plan was, and if the boys won the yogurt challenge.
We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering – and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy – we cling on to them.
“The question isn’t what are the foods to eat, in my mind,” he said in an interview. “Most people have a general sense of what the healthy foods are, but they’re not eating them. What’s on your mind when you’re eating: that’s mindful eating to me.”
Why such emphasis on nit-naym, the daily requirement of so much gurbani every morning and evening? What exactly does this meaningless repetition accomplish? How does it promote any understanding of what one is reading?
“Meditation is one process through which you can resolve conflict and misfortune, rather than playing it through in real life." “An ounce of practice is worth tons of theory” - Swami Vishnu Devananda.
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