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Garner noted, with a touch of wonder, that the interconnectivity that has made so many people stressed out also can offer them a solution.
This study hopes to help overcome a dearth of academic literature on Sikhs and their families.
...practicing a certain form of chanting yogic meditation for just 12 minutes daily for eight weeks led to a reduction in the biological mechanisms responsible for an increase in the immune system’s inflammation response.
Tapping its rich mine of educated female talent has been an important factor in allowing India to become one of the world's fastest-growing economies. But recently this particular dynamo has been showing signs of strain.
We have to manage multiple streams of information and choose what needs our attention.
The research reinforces scientists’ understanding of the “ego depletion effect,” which suggests people who must keep their emotions bottled up — not reacting to a difficult boss at work, for example — are more likely to act aggressively afterwards — by yelling at their children, perhaps.
Kirtan is very soothing for the soul, I must say. But, as I have discovered, so is Seva - selfless service, an important part of the Sikh faith.
Did you know that having some yogurt or eating a banana will give you extra pep to see you through any tough (or anxious) moments life tosses at you?
Religion may or may not be the opiate of the masses but a new study says it may keep believers from losing their cool when things go wrong.
Thoughts on the use of caffeine in society and finding balance in your life
Tips and suggestions for dealing with stress and becoming a more relaxed balanced person.
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