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Sofia Aleman, a widow with 5 children and relentless community leader, began brainstorming ways that she could offer employment to the desperate mothers of these special children, who could not work outside of their homes in maquilas (factories), due to the constant care their children required.
Every year the Mexico City sangat has a Guru Ram Das weekend in the end of September. It is a weekend of sadhana, kirtan, gurdwara, Sikh studies, and lots of kundalini yoga. It is only natural that the 10th Lord of Miracles Tour in Honor of Guru Ram Das was inaugurated this year in Mexico City.
“The children of these unions did not marry into that community, and so now they are dying off,” explained Karen Leonard, a professor of anthropology at the UC Irvine who authored a book on California’s Punjabi-Mexican population. “So their numbers are diminishing.”
This is an endeavour by the author to complete the Sikh migration map by covering countries about which little is known and hence is a pioneering effort in Diaspora studies.
For the past 20 years Mexico in its devotion always has a Guru Ram Das weekend once a year. This year the timing worked out that we can combine their celebration with the 9th Lord of Miracles Tour in Honor of Guru Ram Das. And a great celebration it was.
If people face dire economic straits, “you try and sell your land and go abroad,” Kumar said. “If you’re prosperous, still you go abroad because, culturally, it gives you a higher status.”
Lord of Miracles Tour in Mexico - Photo Album
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