There is no orator, no wordsmith, no one with any degree of facility with language or image or profile, who has won over the media skeptics as freely as he has.
This year marks the 6th annual SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival which started in 2006 with a simple goal to engage the Sikh Youth to get creative with communicating through media.
Guruka Singh will be in London 20th August - 3rd September to be with the UK Sangat and he will be teaching at the 2011 Sikh Retreat as well.
Vist the NEW Camp Miri Piri Web site and come and join us next week at Camp Miri Piri in Calgary, Canada from 18th August through 12st August, 2011.
SikhNet Youth Film Festival
Promos, and Prizes, and More... Oh My!
The Sikh Feminist Research Institute will be hosting a one-day conference entitled "Our Journeys" at The Centre for Women’s Studies in Education (CWSE), Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE) Canada.
This camp is about teaching, not preaching. It was an illuminating experience that allowed us not only to better understand Sikhi, but experience it. I am deeply grateful for such an experience and am looking forward for the next one. ~ Pavanjeev Singh
Lord as i kneel before you In Love and Gratitude, There's an empty feeling within...
The greatest source of happiness in 2011 was my family and my little girl. I’ll never forget the look on her face as she peered over the edge of the Grand Canyon for the first time. And I definitely can’t forget about . . .
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