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Many legends abound surrounding the birth, life, and death of the 15th century poet. Obscure historic details shrouded by the passage of centuries are blurred with discrepancies.
The disastrous flooding in Malaysia has caused havoc amongst the lives of many across the country, in particular the state of Kelantan where the Kula Krai Gurdwara was submerged under more than 50ft of water...
"So I felt relieved and from that day, I resolved that I would never feel timid about saying my "Baanis", or wearing my "Baana"...
Just 90 minutes after landing the Siri Guru Granth Sahib was opened for the first time. Cypriot Sikh history and the Hukamnama - or order of the day - was read by the priest at the temporary gurdwara.
We all know that Siri Guru Granth Sahib is our Guru. For most of us, this is what we believe. Yet, if we are honest, it is too often a concept rather than a reality.
bani is not a ritual we are doing it to get enlightened. if you read it and try to understand you experience it. if we don't experience bani then the fault is with us.
To complete his project, not only Sardar Satpal Singh had to teach himself software technology and employ wisely the software technology he mastered but to also negotiate with software developers as well as their owners to use their tools and their platforms for a wide and free distribution of the product.
In mystic literature of Guru Granth the appeal of the numinous becomes ineffable, if not inexplicable. And yet the great Sikh scripture is not a knot of metaphysical riddles and abstract theorizing. For the most part it employs the idiom of the common people, and draws its imagery and metaphors from the home, the street and the work place.
[Guru Gobind Singh]opened the Sacred Granth, placed five paise and a coconut before it, bowed before it, then went round the Granth five times...

There is a certain respect that the printed word of the Shabad Guru is treated with.

It’s more important now than ever that the growing spirit of Sikhi touches the hearts of those who may not have been born to know Punjabi/Gurmukhi, but who nonetheless feel the call of the Guru in their.

by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa

The first complete translation of the Siri Guru Grant’h Sahib into English was provided by Dr. Gopal Singh; this was completed around 1960. It was published in a four-volume set, and has received wide distribution. The ‘International Edition’ was published by the World Sikh University Press in 1978.

Both cultures have their good and bad parts. Punjabi culture is rich and beautiful, but is still haunted by things like dowry, sexism, and the caste system. Western culture is good because they question everything, but spreads a culture of materialism. Sikh Dharma is beyond culture, and doesn't have any bad points. It is not limited to any country or ethnicity.
The Mahaan Parchaarak of the Khalsa Panth, Sathkaarjog Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale have explicitly condemned the recent intolerable Beadbi of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj in Punjab.
You are not a Sikh if you are so small-minded that you can not listen to other peoples point of view. Yes, it is Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s command that Sikhs, that all Sikhs will bow to Guru Granth Sahib Ji as their Guru but Guru Sahib Ji never commanded that we shall go deaf to all others.
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