What we're talking about is not a belief system. It's that you believe in God and that's it. If you're praying and your getting ras, you're getting juice, the sweetness from it and you're connecting to God, than it's no longer a belief, it's and experience.
“… belief in God is associated with improved treatment outcomes in psychiatric care....
For me, belief is like a compass. When your beliefs are strong and initiate your action, anything can be accomplished, and the obstacles of life can be overcome.
The first group (Kattarhs) are those who want Sikhi to be followed and propagated in a traditional way, not questioning the Scriptures, and abiding by the authority of Akal Takhat Sahib, the highest Temporal and Spiritual Seat of the Sikhs.
Many human issues, admittedly of great significance — religions, nations, war and peace, for instance — are measured by the yardstick of history, which is often the only dependable criterion available. But how honest or reliable is it?
“What do you believe” was his follow-up, and in my mind I was fully prepared, my answer ready from years of constant questioning of what a Sikh is, what Sikhism is, why I wear the turban, why we don’t cut hair, all these thoughts were on the tip of my tongue but something else came out. “I believe in Ek Onkar”
Young adults are faced with a world of choices when it comes to selecting a wardrobe, food, education, friends, vehicles, cellphone, e-applications, entertainment and ideology. However, they are expected to stay bound to the faith they are born into.
We’ve known since the 1980s that even memory for vivid, very meaningful personal events can change over time. Elizabeth Loftus and her colleagues have managed to introduce entirely false memories that people believe and trust as if they had really happened...
Tolerance matters for the obvious reason that the diversity of interests and desires people have is sometimes so great that we don't even understand why others should think and behave as they do; and yet we acknowledge their right to do so, because we cherish the same right for ourselves.
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