Mother's day having just passed, this is a great time to reflect for many on the importance and relationship we have had with our Mothers.
Words tell a story. The most important story is the one about me.
Of the 3,000 people surveyed, which included college students and young professionals, a whopping 1/3 considered the Internet to be as important as the air we breath.
One is wonder struck at the effectiveness of Guru Nanak's communication. Whomsoever he communicated with, the impact was instant and positive whether with relatives & friends, employers, religious leaders, kings and their ministers, or the ordinary people in Punjab, in India and around the world.
Due to the distance and difference in cultures it is important to build trust by communicating transparently and by giving people freedom of thought and speech.
A large part of the growth in communications in developing countries is however coming primarily from China and India. Although developing countries have more mobile subscriptions than developed countries, more than one-third of mobile subscribers are in China and India...
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