Both myself and Bhai Vijay Singh felt that this camp was one of the most enjoyable Gurdwara based weekend camps we have been to. The camp atmosphere was packed of energy, the organisation was done brilliantly and the children behaved exemplary.
Drum rolls and a sea of orange filled Bradford’s streets as about 10,000 Sikhs held a parade to mark the annual celebration remembering the birth of their faith.
Inspector Andy Gallant said he was aware the application for the gates had been made some time ago. He added: “Since then, there has been a significant amount of work undertaken to tackle anti-social behaviour and related issues in the area. “In the last six weeks alone, we have recorded a 60 per cent reduction in calls relating to anti-social behaviour in that area.”
A multi-faith service was held at Bradford Cathedral to celebrate the country’s first Muslim female Lord Mayor.... There were prayers from Bradford’s Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and Jewish leaders for the city and wider district at the civic service on Saturday.
Super Singh
The Gurdwara Sahib is a youth-run Gurdwara, with it's President and majority of the committee being UK born Amritdhari Gursikhs. The Gurdwara is definitely a role model for Gurdwaras with so many projects aimed at inspiring and serving the Sangat and promoting Gurmat.
To be honest it was very refreshing. Each child had obviously put a lot of work into their shabad or presentation, and looked like they really wanted to take part in this Vasakhi celebration.
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