"When we survey parents, it's very clear they want to treat their children equally," says Redden. "But if they're relying on feelings for how they're allocating resources, it's very likely this bias is seeping in, especially when times are tougher and they don't have money to do everything," added Redden.
[VIDEO] The Pink Ladoo team, dressed to the nines in traditional dresses, visits the home of the parents (of newborn girls) with a box of pink ladoos. Once there, they inject the home with with their dance and music. Then they connect with every member of the child’s family and talk to them about nurturing the girl.
While Burgdoerfer may try to sell the notion that Victoria’s Secret is only responding to market demands for middle school lingerie, it was just a few years ago, that Victoria’s Secret claimed they would never try to appeal to a pre-adolescent market. “We don’t market to that age group,” said Anthony Hebron, a Victoria’s Secret spokesman.
Imagine a small girl trying her very best to take care of her mother's emotional and sometimes physical needs. What an extremely heavy burden for a person of any age, especially a young child.
Forced weddings and ‘honor’ killings aren’t just a developing-world issue. New research shows how it happens in England and the United States.
Economic development seemes to have not only failed to help many Indian girls but to have made things worse.
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