Doesn’t the expert on religious matters -- a priest, pastor, rabbi, imam, brahmin, or gyani/granthi – put food on the table by being paid for his or her religious teaching? Isn’t this consistent with the meaning of 'ghall khaaye' or honest labor that is exalted in Gurbani?
The world urgently needs to recruit more than 8 million extra teachers, according to UN estimates, warning that a looming shortage of primary school teachers threatens to undermine global efforts to ensure universal access to primary education by 2015.
Oregon signing
People of race, color, faith and orientation can rest that another barrier to inclusion has been defeated. Thanks to countless hard working Christians, Jews, Muslims and Sikhs whose organizations worked...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 3:30 PM history was made in the Oregon Senate. The full Senate voted 21-8 to repeal the 87-year-old ban on religious clothing for public school teachers.
Tomorrow, Tuesday February 9, is the vote in the Oregon House on teachers wearing religious dress.
Teachers have a constitutional right to freedom of religion, but school districts must avoid supporting any religion.
Should your child's teacher wear a turban or other "religious dress'? The state of Oregon doesn't think so.
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