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Three-quarters of the UK's Sikhs have experienced racism but 95% are proud of being born or living in Britain, a survey suggests. The first British Sikh Report (BSR) has been launched in Parliament.
“The final report on the Sikh Temple shooting that occurred in August of 2012 hasn’t yet been released, and now, eyes are turned to the FBI for more extensive information on that other horrible Sunday”
The British Sikh Report (BSR) will become the first census of Sikhs in the UK, taking into account the opinions of individuals from all generations, looking at topics such as community, arts & culture and gender equality – all topical issues.
The population of the world, long expected to stabilize just above 9 billion in the middle of the century, will instead keep growing and may hit 10.1 billion by the year 2100, the United Nations projected in a report released Tuesday. Growth in Africa remains so high that the population there could more than triple in this century, rising from today’s one billion to 3.6 billion, the report said...
The first anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti comes with a deluge of progress reports from many of the NGOs and aid agencies involved in reconstruction and ongoing relief work. We select a sample.
SIKHRI's Saneha: Becoming Guru-Centered event held at Guru Nanak Foundation of America
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