From the day I was born, she showed me how to sacrifice, giving up her own career to stay at home with her newborn daughter. She called me her “best friend” and the gift she had always wanted.
We are used to being taken care of and nurtured by our mothers from our birth. So we sometimes take our mothers, our selfless caregivers, for granted.
O Lord of Lords of the time, if you have created this world, create those environments where everybody's mother, sister and every woman on this planet can live with grace.
Mother's day having just passed, this is a great time to reflect for many on the importance and relationship we have had with our Mothers.
My Mom ~ A Love beyond expression
O Lord of Lords of the time, if you have created this world, create those environments where everybody's mother, sister and every woman on this planet can live with grace.
The celebration started with a brief prayer where volunteer Dr Harwinder Singh explained the role and the status of women in the Sikh religion. He also spoke about their sacrifices and how they had always been the central figure in moulding families. When he got into his song, many quietly wept.
The mothers and daughters sit close. They lock eyes and you can see how they are bound together — by genes and family history. The mothers are telling stories their girls have never heard, stories that explain how they came to be the women they are today, and the bottomless wells of love they have for their daughters.
On this Mother's Day, I must open myself to learning life's insights from all the mothers in my life! I must listen to all of them more intently. I must speak to all of them more respectfully. I must treat all of them more divinely. What's more, I'd better learn quickly how to be more thankful!
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