Siri Sevak Kaur highlights some concepts from pauris 1-6 of Japji Sahib.
Permeating a myriad of ancient Indian texts is the philosophical concept of anhad nad, or “unstruck sound,” sound without external vibration.
What do the so called sacred sites all over the world have to do with consciousness? Is it possible that the ancients left us keys to who we really are and what we are capable of? What does sacred geometry really have to do with these sites, our consciousness and even the symbology of world religions?
He wore a long light-brown garment that draped down to his knees fastened with what looked like gold buttons. In the background stood a large mango tree bathed in raindrops. Three musicians–a tanpura and tabla player, and a male vocalist performed a raag. Rain, music and mangoes.
Book Review: Sikh Spiritual Practice - The Sound Way to God
Siri Kirpal Kaur's inspiring book is simple, straightforward and unbound by dogma. She explains Sikhi in language anyone can understand and she has a great talent for cutting away confusion, obscurity and controversy. Like the poetry of Puran Singh, this is book written from true love of Sikhi...
Nerves transmit sound waves through your body, not electrical pulses, according to a controversial new study that tries to explain the longstanding mystery of how anesthetics work.
Understanding the Anahad Shabd and the Science Of Naad Yoga...
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