Siri Sevak Kaur highlights some concepts from pauris 1-6 of Japji Sahib.
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said that not covering the face is a "shortcoming" and suggested that any Muslims who advocate being uncovered could be guilty of rejecting Islam. In a statement published on its website the MCB, warns: "We advise all Muslims to exercise extreme caution on this issue, since denying any part of Islam may lead to disbelief."
Muslim leaders concur that Islam does not require a woman to hide her face. However, they have voiced concerns that a law forbidding them to do so would stigmatize the French Muslim population, which at an estimated 5 million is the largest in western Europe.
Canada has long boasted an international reputation for tolerance, and rightly so. We tend to welcome newcomers respectfully and with reasonably open arms.
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