In Sikh beliefs a concern for the environment is part of an integrated approach to life and nature. As all creation has the same origin and end, humans must have consciousness of their place in creation
It just requires a plain unconditional faith in Him. Like our guru has said “Hukm razae chalna, nanak likhia naal”, I feel that his hukm is very simple i.e one should keep doing his work in full faith and accept life the way it comes.
Jatinder feels the hobby keeps him connected to his culture as Punjabis have been known for keeping animals in the past. "The practice had been abandoned in the modern age but I am determined to preserve it," he said.
Why do we not dine in style every evening in our own homes? Why wait for the few special occasions? No matter how simple the meal we can make it into a fine dining experience. We can play our favorite music and be serenaded by Gypsy Violins lighting the flames of passion.
To their controlled surprise, three months of observation led them to conclude that the hive experienced a significant reduction in its population. The queen bee laid fewer than half the number of eggs and neither honey nor pollen was anywhere to be found.
"Life is a journey and, therefore, the passage towards an achievement is more important than the achievement. "It does not matter what I achieve and there are no expectations."