Before Guru HarKrishan became the 8th Guru, many people wanted to know who the next Guru was to be. Once a man went to Guru Har Rai and asked him which of his sons was to be the next Guru & Guru Har Rai instructed the man to perform a special test that could show the sign of the greatest superpower and likewise the next guru. Listen to hear what happens next.
“What are you afraid of so much? The blooming tree of Sikhism that was planted by Gurū Nānak Dev Jī´s sacred hands can never be destroyed. Droughts, storms and heat may seem overpowering, but Sikhism will never lose its religious power and its spiritual radiance.”
Let me mediate on You forever and enshrine You in my mind. You are the only cure of my maladies, and it is through You that I'm rid of my ego.
Sikh Research Institute announces the release of the first phase of Sojhi online today.
This comic book provides a thorough and comprehensive account of Guru Harkrishan Ji’s short life and thus provides a variety of lessons about the legacy of the “child Guru”.
Today SikhNet is pleased to announce the publication of the 100th SikhNet Audio Story for Children! It is called: "The Greatest Super Power! The Story of Guru Harkrishan Ji"
Guru Harkrishan was only 5 years old when he received the Guruship. Once a very learned Hindu high priest came to see him. He thought the Guru was only a little boy who couldn't know as much as he did. So he challenged the Guru to interpret the Gita with him. Guru Harkrishan ji did something the Brahman didn't expect. He didn't just talk, he showed the man that God is in every one....
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