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With an entire morning and early afternoon full of prayer, reflection and speeches by dignitaries, the Baisakhi 2011 celebrations came to a close with its traditional procession of colorful floats through downtown Los Angeles that highlighted Sikh culture and its various leaders.
Sangat from metro Atlanta area and other adjoining cities, witnessed and experienced a soul refreshing and exhilarating event - the classical singing of the Shabads in Raags, using the instruments which existed or were invented in court of Guru Sahebaan's.
"Sehaj Paath" of Guru Granth gives great Elation and Balance to one with a Pure Heart, Steeped in Love. It is the Effulgence that Decimates all Want, when in earnest done!
Photo documentary of the Nam Ras Kirtan Darbar from the Singapore Expo, December 2008
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