Paul Dhaliwal of Abbotsford went from working in saw mills to professional wrestling and owning a trucking business. He arrived in Canada in 1932, first settling in Abbotsford with his uncle. Today, Dhaliwal is regarded as one of the original settlers who helped build the local Sikh community.
Outside the dwelling, a Divine Light pervaded the cloudy sky. Inside, Daulatan — the midwife — was hard at work while father, Mehta Kalu, waited nervously. It was at that moment that the infant found his way into the world — the one who grew up to be called Guru Nank Dev ji, the first Sikh Guru.
Fauja Singh either walks or sleeps. He doesn’t sit. The 100-year-old oldest marathon runner from Jalandhar, believes he’ll die if he sits...It is this zest for life, and indomitable spirit that Chandigarh-based author, Khushwant Singh, strives to capture in his recently released biography, 'Turbaned Tornado'.
Even a cursory look at his life clearly shows that he was one of the very few Gursikhs of the century who had full and unfaltering conviction of his faith in the teachings of the Satguru
Uncomplicated. Jokester. Turn-around guy. Saviour. Survivor. Karambir wasn’t supposed to be his name. At 22, Kanwaljit Kang was married and pregnant. One night, she had a dream.
New documentary reveals life of an unsung modern-day saint and his dedication to the living world
It seems that 'Pooran Jee' was the embodiment of humility and kindness and had great pyaar for Naam & Baani.
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