The point is that the significance of Vaisakhi did not start with 1699 nor did it end that day. The revolution of Vaisakhi continues apace and undiminished today. We need to move our heads into the 21st century to see it.
This is the story of Vasakhi day! During the time of Guru Gobind Rai, the rulers of the land were very cruel to people. They wanted everyone to join the same religion as them. A feeling of darkness and unhappiness spread through the land. The time had come for the Guru to show how to bring ......THE LIGHT!!!
[VIDEO] There are different versions of the Vaisakhi story: In some of them Guru tricks the crowd by using goats, and in some versions the 5 beloveds truly and literally give their heads. Shanti Kaur Khalsa sheds light on the subject.
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