On June 6, 1984, the Akal Takhat, the seat of religious authority for Sikhs, was attacked. Many remember the tanks and bullets and thousands of lives lost, yet through the lens of the unseen, we see God in everything. Like the phoenix that rises from the ashes, Khalsa will always prevail.
The Siri Singh Sahib poses, “In the history of our universe, this is the first time a place (Akal Takhat) with the identity of rulership of the ether and of the earth, mortal and immortal, a central source of that energy, that psyche, that nucleus has sacrificed itself.” Why would the Akal Takht – the Throne of Deathless Infinity – sacrifice itself?
We believe it is an opportunity - a wake up call. Now is the time for Khalsa to unite in the spirit of the Undying, Infinite Truth embodied in the Akal Takht. In honor of all sacrifices that have paved this path we walk together, let this anniversary awaken the spirit of the Khalsa within you!
Sikh Dharma International invites you to celebrate this awakening with
us. Starting with Baisakhi of 2009, we will release 11 historic video
Gurdwara lectures by the Siri Singh Sahib in which he explains the
significance of this event in depth and how it relates to Sikhs and the
whole of humanity. One new video will be posted on-line each week,
leading up to the 25th Anniversary of the Akal Takhat Martyrdom. Join
us in this journey of awakening in this season of renewal.
Video Lectures