My name is Gurumustuk Singh, and like most of you, I was born a Sikh and have been journeying the path of Sikhi for 45 years. My parents came into this path through the inspiration of Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi ji (AKA Yogi Bhajan). He offered prolific teachings about Sikhi, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, and created the 3HO community. I spent 10 years of my life in boarding school in India to better connect with Sikhi and understand the roots and heritage in the land of the Gurus. I continued my path of learning and have been inspired to live by Sikh values and committed to a lifestyle that honors the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as my Guru.

I started the SikhNet website over 24 years ago when I was about 20 years old and going through what most young Sikhs go through; Trying come to terms with my own Sikh identity and how it relates to my Sikh brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Like most young people born into Sikhi it can be hard finding our way with all the external pressures and social expectations. I created SikhNet as a way to dialogue with my peers, and a resource for each of us to have support dealing with life's challenges and growing up on a spiritual path. A place to deepen our relationship with Gurbani and the teachings of our Gurus.  

There are things going on within the western 3HO community that are causing a lot of upheaval and pain for me and many others who grew up within the 3HO community. 

I'm requesting the global Sikh community to show love, and accelerate the healing process with their prayers. What matters is what we do right now.  Now is the time for healing and reconciliation.

SikhNet stands united against any abuse of power, sexual abuse, harassment or exploitation, SikhNet does not condone or in any way tolerate any such misconduct.

The SikhNet team works hard to create unity and represent all parts of the Sikh community. We do not take sides and we do not promote or condemn any Sikh group, baba ji or Sikh leader. Our ideals are to be universal, uniting, inspirational, uplifting and neutral, and that's why we focus more on what can inspire us to be more spiritual human beings rather than on controversy and politics.

We wish to continue to serve the global Sikh Sangat and pray and hope that the sangat will support us and each other through this difficult moment of time as it is not easy for any of us. We must stay strong, we must stay united and Guru Sahib will guide us through.

Let us see and honor the Guru in each other and see God in All.

ਜਿਸੁ ਹਥਿ ਜੋਰੁ ਕਰਿ ਵੇਖੈ ਸੋਇ॥ ਨਾਨਕ  ਉਤਮੁ ਨੀਚੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ॥

The Almighty, in whose hand absolute power lies, He Himself creates and takes care of the creation. Nanak: No one is superior or inferior to another. – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

As CEO of SikhNet it has truly been an honor for me to serve the sangat through the work that we share at SikhNet every day, and is my dream to continue fulfilling this seva to the best of my ability.


Gurumustuk Singh

Founder and CEO