Sons of Guru Gobind Singh


This week we remember the courage and sacrifice of the four Sahibzadas of Guru Gobind Singh ji who gave their lives in support of this path.

SikhNet strives to carry on and share this lifestyle with tens of thousands every day.

Below are some words from SikhNet visitors who were inspired by the work of SikhNet...

"SikhNet is a great example of what Sikhs can acheive if they put their mind and effort in the right direction."

"SikhNet has immensely contributed to my life as a sikh. It is time that I give back. I have been a free loader for too long."

"SikhNet is a lighthouse in the current dark stormy waters."

"I really appreciate how Sikhnet is giving back to the community. I was born and raised in a Sikh family but was never involved in exploring sikhism. Information provided by SikhNet is incredible and valuable."

"Although I am donating this very tiny amount of money, it is giving me some satisfaction that I am able to make some contribution towards spreading the words of Guru. SikhNet is doing such a wonderful effort and I really really appreciate that. May God give me more and more capacity to do sewa of my religion in all the possible ways".

"Sikhnet is the place where I find most of my answers of my life & sikhism..."

"I am using SikhNet for more then one year. I had done a very little for Sikhnet, so now I want to do as much as I can, and I pray to my Guru to help me to help SikhNet more."

"Sikhnet has totally changed my life and understanding of Sikhi I am forever grateful to Wahaguru the this website.   Thank you!!"

"I love the audio stories Sakheeya - to hear the events and the day to day things that happened in our Guru Ji's lives is like having some gold dust each time I read/hear them through SikhNet!"

"I'm Inspired by your positive Sikh Morale boosting news, articles and other activities."

"I don't have a Gurdwara in my area & I use SikhNet to show my daughter Guru Nanak Dev ji kids stories and Mighty Khalsa songs. You guys are doing great job and am blessed to know your website. I am a monthly donor and will keep doing it every month. Pleases accept this small contribution for Guru Nanak's birthday... My daughter lived the kids stories.  Whenever I am in search of answer j just take a cyber hukam and bingo! I get the answer. Love you guys and Chardi Kala always..."
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SikhNet 16 Year Anniversary

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