Akal Takhat - The Undying Throne

Akal means undying, and Takhat means throne. By the definition Guru Hargobind Ji gave it, Akal Takhat is a throne that cannot be destroyed. It is the highest earthly authority for all Sikhs.The Akal Takhat sits across from the Harimandir Sahib at a slight angle to show the humility a political authority should have towards a spiritual authority.
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Siri Singh Sahib Lectures

Sikh Dharma International invites you to celebrate The Awakening of the Khalsa.  We will release 11 historic video Gurdwara lectures by the Siri Singh Sahib in which he explains the significance of the Akal Takhat Martyrdom
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History of the Akal Takhat
The original structure of Akal Takht was built by Guru Hargobind ji, Bhai Gurdas ji and Baba Buddha ji, with their own hands. No other person or artist was employed to build the platform. Guru ji remarked that the seat of guru would serve the panth for eternity.
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Akal Takhat and Deathlessness

Shanti Kaur shares some inspiring words. She talks about the Akal Takhat and how it was attacked by the Indian Army June 6th, 1984 and thousands of Sikhs were brutally killed. She explains why many of us celebrate this day as the Martyrdom of the Akat Takhat and gives an explanation about why.


Akal Takhat and Narayan Shabad
A very inspiring talk describing the Akal Takhat in relation to the events of 1984. This lecture is also about the power of singing the Narayan Shabad as a way to restore the glory of the Sikhs and the Akal Takhat.
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Akal Takhat - The Attack

On June 6, 1984, the Akal Takhat, the seat of religious authority for Sikhs, was attacked. Hundreds of pilgrims were sent back to Waheguru. Many remember the tanks and bullets and thousands of lives lost, yet through the lens of the unseen, we see God in everything. Like the phoenix that rises from the ashes, Khalsa will always prevail.
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Blue Star Aftermath - Delhi Riots

India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by two of her Sikh guards acting in the aftermath of Operation Bluestar. Over the next four days nearly 15,000 Sikhs were massacred in systematic riots planned and led by Congress activists and sympathizers.
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Art of Akal Takhat

More Art of the Akal Takhat



1 million Choupai Sahib's

We invite you to join a world-wide effort to do Chaupai Sahib 1 million times collectively. Today it seems we have lost our way and rather than helping others, we find ourselves knocking at different doors asking for justice and protection.  This is a small attempt to remind us that the only door we need to knock at, is that of the Guru.
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Seeds of Healing

Read this article about about one man's thoughts and experience with the Akal Takhat Martyrdom written 5 years ago at the 20th Anniversary of the Martyrdom.
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