We came across this beautiful story we wanted to share with you.
As many of us know, India is lacking in proper waste management systems.
Many natural sites are turned into dumps. This spot used to be a beautiful body of water which had a stream that ran into another lake. All that is gone now.
A group of youth started cleaning up these sites. So far they have cleaned 12 lakes!
"The biggest complication is changing people's mindset"
To communicate the importance of their project they use music, drama, and dance.
This is just one story of a grass-roots project that makes a real difference.
YOU can make a real difference too. Just as this video might have touched you, you too can make a video that impacts others. Use your creativity and your voice. Make a film this year!
Intermediate (age 18-28)
- THREE winners will receive $1,000 each
Junior (age 11-17)
- TOP FILM will receive $500
Seniors (29+)
- Certificate of Achievement
We are proud to announce that EcoSikh is partnering with SikhNet with this year's Film Festival. They have gladly joined us in getting the word out about this theme, and sharing ideas. A member from EcoSikh will also serve as a judge for the prize competition.
Thank you EcoSikh!
Here are some great YouTube Videos to help you get started right away.