Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

Dear Beloved Community,

Ten years ago, SikhNet reached out to our audience and asked - what do you think about what we have been doing? And what do you want us to do next?

Believe it or not, what you told us shaped our business direction and decisions for most of the last decade.

Today, we are again asking you to share your thoughts with us through our 2024 Global SikhNet Survey. 

We’d like to understand what SikhNet services you use and why. To hear your ideas. To listen to your suggestions for improving what we do. With 15-20 minutes of your time, your opinion will shape the direction of SikhNet in the coming years,

Take the SikhNet Survey

Every single day at SikhNet a whopping 35,000-45,000 people interact with our content, apps, music and videos. It isn’t possible to meet every one of you personally and listen to your feedback, comments and suggestions. So, I hope you will give us that opportunity by completing our survey today.

Take the SikhNet Survey

A large survey like this takes time on both sides. From our side to research, prepare and analyze. And from your side - to participate. We fully appreciate you being part of this process. Your involvement, loyalty, commitment and feedback allow SikhNet to serve you the best way we can. 

Take the SikhNet Survey

For close to 30 years, SikhNet has been your online space. By participating in this survey, you allow us to improve on being a continuous online presence and resource for Sikhs worldwide.

Please help us get to know your needs better. Please take 15 minutes out of your day and share your valuable insights with us.

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