Fascinating Folktales of Punjab Publishes Latest in Series of Illustrated Books

Tales of Taya and Tayee Illustrated Bilingual Book 9th in Series
Author Gurmeet Kaur released her latest book in January of 2024 after 5 long years of dedication to the retelling of Punjabi folklore in her native language along with an English translation. The book boasts 200 different idioms and adages of rhyming verse collected from the wisdom of folktales. The main characters Taya Nihala, the eldest brother of a father, or Uncle, and Tayee Nihalee, his wife, or Auntie, are featured in 13 tales that expound humorously on treasures gleaned from proverbs of former times. Illustrated by Punjabi artist Gurjeet Singh, the 130 pages of book 9 contains hundreds of delightful hand-painted images in stunning colors, which required three years to complete, and include a visual dictionary depicting 200 types of artifacts common to Punjab in the 18th Century. The book Tales of Taya and Tayee features poetry by Ustad Chiragdeen Daman and is edited by Amarjit Chandan. 

Creation of Fascinating Folktales of Punjab
A collector of Punjabi literature, Gurmeet Kaur first noticed the lack of illustrated Punjabi stories after the birth of her first child. She conceived of the idea of creating books to retell Punjabi folklore shortly after the birth of her second child when a shortage of books in her mother language inspired her to fill the need and launched Fascinating Folklore of Punjab in April of 2013. She based her books on the heritage of Punjabi nursery rhymes woven into stories that imparted moral values, such as patience coupled with persistence, and courage whatever the circumstances, to young children just beginning to grasp language skills, yet which is enjoyable in a playful way to readers of any age. Each Punjabi folktale is accompanied by a translation featuring a charming rendition of yesteryear English which holds special appeal for Punjabi children born and living in lands where English is spoken.

How to Order Tales of Taya and Tayee

Priced at $25 bulk orders in boxes of 112 copies are available for $20 plus shipping and handling Proceeds support Punjabi artists and non-profit distribution of the book in Punjab. Books are available for order in January 2024. Contact: [email protected]

All other books by Gurmeet Kaur may be ordered in the Fascinating Folktales of Punjab BookStore.


Sukhmandir Kaur Khalsa

Sukhmandir Kaur Khalsa

Sukhmandir has written hundreds of articles on topics related to Sikhism and has co-written and and edited several books on the Gurmat teachings and Naam Simran meditation. 

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