Inner transformation of a Sikh is many folds more powerful than million words devoid of personal experience. (Galli jog na Hoye)

ਗਲੀ ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਹੋਈ ॥

By mere words, Jog (union) is not attained. Jog is union of falsified self (I am body, I am born and I die) through wisdom of Guru, whereby we become our natural self, our healed self, our Jot self (Soul-self), often the word self-realization is used for it.

ਏਕ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਕਰਿ ਸਮਸਰਿ ਜਾਣੈ ਜੋਗੀ ਕਹੀਐ ਸੋਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Upon Jog (union) a person loses the ability to discriminate based on diversity of religion, race, color, sexual orientation, nationality, social status and other such dualities of the mind.

Our inner transformation speaks for itself, manifesting as our personality, thought process and approach to everyday situations, especially under pressure. When our thoughts arise from Gurbani, others are naturally inspired to listen to profound words of wisdom coming from depth of transformation because of inner change in our thoughts from self-centered self to selfless self. This takes away the need to convince others about the greatness of SGGS and Sikhi.

Let us empower others by empowering ourselves by being embodiment of SGGS. We need to be courageous at personal level to rise collectively as Sikhs to keep alive the Panth, to be free of worry about demise of Sikh Panth. A path can only is preserved when we walk on it. A path that is not traveled vanishes over time. Sikhi is such a path that can be preserved by living it every moment of daily life as thought and action. The threat to Sikhi is not from outside, but from inside.

The Sikh Panth can remain alive when we, the so-called Sikhs Walk the path walked by our Gurus as described in SGGS. The path is for the mind. The path is walked by mind. Steps of a mind are the thoughts. A thought can lead us towards fear, animosity, hopelessness or empowered self (chardikala). Empowered self is fearless, deathless, non-enimosity and much more. 

Fruits of following SGGS as Guru is instantaneous reflected as vanishing of duality of mind that inhibits our ability to make better decisions that enhance our personal, family, work, and social lives. Each thought is a step on this path. With our thoughts we choose our path that manifests our action or Karma. The path that leads to eternal bliss is that of Guru. When we decide to choose thoughts that follow Guru's guidance a mind that has been following itself for eons starts transforming from Manmukhta to Gurmukhta. This inner transformation is embodiment of SGGS greatness that makes manifestation of Guru's light inspiring others without any need to convince others of greatness of SGGS and Sikhi. Rather our spoken words become a song of guru, filled with virtues of the "Jot - inner wisdom". Thus, one is engaged in eternal Kirtan as praise (Kirti) of Guru while doing worldly things.

Next step, when you make a statement, Sikhi is in danger, remind yourself that Sikhi begins with you. You are the first Sikh. You can save Sikhi by walking path shown by Gurbani. Before, you make a statement or judge someone for not being a good Sikh, be what you want other to be. You are powerful, be the beacon of light by being embodiment of Gurbani.

Bhupinder Singh

Bhupinder Singh

I coach leaders who are striving for prosperity in form of physical and mental wellness along with spiritual growth rooted in principles of Gurbani.

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