Why can’t we Sikhs have just one really amazing Gurdwara building in this city?”
In the world of energy, the Holy Grail is a power source that's inexpensive and clean, with no emissions.
Here is an exploration of the concept of ousting people from the community.
When you start to talk about the positive Sikh media, the name of Vismaad emerges as a shining star.
With just 1.5 per cent of India's land area, Punjab produces 20 per cent of the country's wheat and 12 per cent of its rice.
Taking a single leaf from the tree of the Sikh religion, the followers of Bhagat Ravidass have declared 'Ravidassia', a separate religion and affirmed Guru Ravidass their sole master.
In the aftermath of one of the world's worst earthquakes, priests and missionaries are competing for the souls of a traumatised population. Kim Sengupta reports from Port-au-Prince
In the final analysis, I suspect the Akal Takht will be obeyed and heeded about as much as it is respected and trusted.
I have noticed that the concept of seva is nowadays increasingly wielded as a weapon and less as what it is meant to be.
Waris was born in Amritsar, grew up in Brooklyn and now makes his home in Manhattan's Tony West Village. Spare and immaculately put together in a dark brown suit, black turban and striking Lincoln green leather gloves, he cuts a debonair figure.