Eleven seconds and a few "Boninos" was all it took during last year's Stanley Cup Finals to put hockey announcer Harnarayan Singh on the map. But getting to that moment took his family generations.
Man Kaur, a 101-year-old athlete from India, won the 100 metres sprint at the World Masters Games in Auckland on Monday, celebrating with a little dance.
Harsangat Raj Kaur is one of the rarest white Sikhs who has become a Nihang
The Canadian defence minister enjoyed a number of performances that were prepared especially for him before spending time interacting with children, even taking joyrides and clicking pictures with them.
This serious spiritual work lays out rare glimpses into the life of Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj and his message
London barrister Jasvir Singh has become the youngest Sikh in the world to be awarded the Order of the British Empire
The Sikh congregation and many friends will feel his absence for a long time to come.
The most stylish politician in Canada by like a million kilometers
Going by the Instagram and Facebook handle ‘Fitness Kaur’, she is winning hearts all over the world with her insane callisthenics workout routines, weight training, and yoga.
Dr.Lal is a distinguished neuroscientist and scholar who has been actively engaged in interfaith dialogues and engagement since his student days in Pakistan and India, and since 1956 in the United States.