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A progressive religion's Guru-dwara Graphics and Signage to increase popularity.

Our identity (Sikh) in the west is mistaken and our gurughars are also looked upon as mosques.

As having good knowledge of visual Communication, Graphic & Architecture design, I like to make following points which could make a shift and certainly could reduce chances of shootouts and vandalism at our places of worship.

OneUniversal (287K)

Enterance to Guru-dwara compound, called Gate.

Sign on the gate is for visitors, passerbye's and neighbours, it should have Inviting and Welcoming Message in local language predominently and than in secondary language, For example in Texas after English, Spanish-Which is also recomended on the sign. In French speaking Canada, sign should also include French. (teachers/guru-door/ home/ house god's home translated in French. The gates and boundry walls, be kept transparent as much as possible.

We should used Good Graphics to invite them and indicate that they are welcome any time without hesitation. Short, clear, universally understood beleifs, may be used.

Sikh Symbol and some ordianary information even word Temple added does not do any justice.

Entrance Signs Should Clearly Communicate our Tenants and Beliefs in easy wording. Name of our organization should be given least importance which currently is not done. In Gurudwaras in India, we should also use local Language, Mool Mantra may be put on top in local languages. Bottom May explain cover your head, Do not keep Cigrettes or tobacco products in pocket.

Many Indians hardly know about Sikhs Which we may take for granted. Two instances I like to quote which shook me. A young man who worked for me after I invited him to Gurudwara, He was intrested but casually asked if Langar was Vegetarian. He had already this definite image from movies that every Sikh drank Alcohol and ate non veg. Other instance is unforgottable, A middle aged gentle man asked me inside the gurudwara, pointing to Guru Granth, If this was a grab (kabar) of our Guru? Moreover he had a French Guest whom he was going to show Gurudwara and share Sikhi !!!

There is hardly any Gurudwara (in India and in many cities in USA & Canada) where we have a person available to help visitors in English. Having such one person would be best releationship service for their local neighbors, visitors and community.

Meanwhile following examples could be your guide line to smartest, low cost advertising.

OneCreator (79K)

Compare them to your present signs, you may notice that they are not providing any information and costing a lot. Words like Gurdwara, Guru Nanak Mission, Guru Gobind Singh Foundation, Singh Sabha, Dashmesh Darbar, Sikh Dharamsal and many using Sikh Temple after shoot outs and vandalism at many Gurdwaras mean nothing to an American, French Canadian, European etcetera.

GetRid (72K)

I have brand new designs for Cosmopolitan cities of world with a Guroo-dwara in local language like Tokyo, Paris, Munich, Athens-Greece, Brazil, etcetera and continue to create designs for African Countries. I believe this would be great way to spread Guru Nanak's Mission.

AllInvited (89K)

I am willing to offer my services to any Guroo-dwara anywhere to design sign, series of replaceable graphics for entrance and or a gate and compound wall to an existing Guroo-Dwara. My email is [email protected]

NoOneEnemy (117K)

Please do not copy this images they are low resolution & to consideration for local codes also has to be followed in most cities in US & Europe. More over Proportions and colors play a major role in creating a good visual sign. Knowledge of Fonts is also very important and forms basics of design. Which is mostly not available with printing companies.


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