You don't have any enemy. Your enemy is your own mind, When your mind controls you and draws you out of you; And takes you where it wants to take you. You are absolutely going to default, not for unhappiness, but for tragedy.
Once a farmer found something in his field. It made a bunch of smoke and turned in to a giant. The giant said, "I will do anything you wish." The farmer was surprised and thought, "This sounds too good to be true." It did seem to good to be true because then the giant said, "But if you don't give me anything to do, I will get hungry. If I get hungry I'll have to eat you." How will the farmer keep the giant busy??
Practical techniques that open the window of your mind. With your mind you can view every thought, every feeling, and every part of your life. But you can cover that window with so much dust from your ego that you cannot see your soul at all.
When I don't meditate it's like the thoughts just pile up in my sub-conscious & leak out in my every day affairs which effects how I act and react to people and situations.
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