Chandigarh turned into Lahore on Wednesday evening, as director Kathryn Bigelow began shooting for " Zero Dark Thirty" ("ZD30") - a movie based on Osama Bin Laden's capture by US Navy Seals.
As per media reports “Black Warrants” for the execution of Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana, who has been sentenced death penalty in former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh’s assassination case, reached Patiala Central Jail authorities on February 13, 2012 and he will be hanged in Patiala central jail at 9 am on March 31.
So it was early this winter when I landed in Patiala to start shooting for Son of Sardar a comedy based on folklore about enemity amongst Sikh families.
At a time when Punjabi students are losing interest in studying Sikhism, the spiritual potential of the religion is attracting the attention of foreign students. A US couple is in Punjab these days to study Sikhism. "Though I had many options to study other religions, I opted for Sikhism for my PhD as Sikhs are great and I want to study the religion which has made them great," Charles Townsente told TOI.
Patiala, the city once known for its world-famous gardens, during the last few decades has undergone a drastic change.
Gurdwara Dukh Nivaran Sahib exhibits the Guru's handwritten hukam.
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