At Mast Vane in Punjab's Malwa district, construction of an exact full-size replica of Golden Temple is going on in full swing and almost 80 % of the work is done.
Last week in the Ba market, Jone, one of my Fijian friends, looking at my turban, asked me why the prime minister of India always wears turban of blue colour.
An Indian court has upheld a decision by a religious body to deny a female student who plucked her eyebrows admission to a Sikh university, media reports said on Sunday.
This week, Peter Bance published “Sovereign, Squire and Rebel: Maharajah Duleep Singh and the Heirs of a Lost Kingdom.”
The world's number one retailer Wal-Mart is set to open its first sales venture in India Saturday as part of an ambitious plan to establish a foothold in the country's vast consumer market.
Sonia Gandhi says she adores Manmohan Singh for the manner in which he handles the government
Locals call train No. 339 by a chilling name — "the cancer train."
On Sunday, marriages of 18 couples were solemnised at the fifth `` Samuhik Vivaha Samagam" (Mass marriage) under one roof at Gurudwara Saheb Barambala, in the presence of head priest Baba Jyotinder Singhji of Takhat Sachkhand Sri Hazur Sahib, Nanded, Maharastra.
The Sikh Human Development Foundation (SHDF) has awarded 314 scholarships to needy students in Punjab and other Northern Indian states for the academic year 2008-2009.
Asking questions about the Sikh lifestyle and seva
Too often, we think of women in the Sikh community only in our roles as mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. These are all important roles but our identity isn’t entirely defined relative to others...
With general elections underway in India, analysts are predicting yet another hung Parliament in which smaller parties could call the shots, anyone could be kingmaker and any kingmaker could be king.
The major attraction of the celebrations was held at Sri Guru Gobind Singhji play grounds, Ameerpet, Hyderabad organised under the aegis of the Prabhandak Committee Gurudwara Saheb Ameerpet
An airline with potentially the best airplane food (for those with Punjabi palates) has just launched. Akal Air has just started bi-weekly flights (Wednesdays and Saturdays) from Birmingham, UK to Amritsar
Minister’s car collides with two trucks near Kharar
Every few weeks, we see reports by journalists that reinforce a well-known reality - many Sikh men in Punjab are cutting their hair and removing their turbans.
Community groups ramp up efforts to show youths sacred headgear 'is cool,' draw them back into fold
The Indian military fears a ‘Chinese aggression’ in less than a decade. A secret exercise, called ‘Divine Matrix’,..
Majority of young women in India country prefer arranged marriages with parents' consent while only less than one fourth opts for the "love" route to choose their life partners, a survey of women age 20-30 says.
The logic of arranged marriage in India
Children from all over the globe come to Miri Piri Academy to learn the way of Sikhi...
Such findings indicate that child marriage affects not only adolescents aged 16 to 17 years, but also large numbers of pubescent girls aged 14 to 15 years,..
The first five donors will include Jaswinder Singh, the head granthi of Harmandar Sahib and other top priests and organisers of the event
Recently a number of artists were awarded in Kalpna Chawla Excellence Awards, in memory of this Sikh astronaut.
More than 250 eye patients were examined and given free medicines. Thirty five cases were selected for free cataract operations.
Called to return to India from New York, Harvinder Singh is walking from Pune to to Nanded Sahib.
And, about four miles from the holy city in village Vallah stands a magnificent edifice - Gurudwara Guru ka Kotha meaning Guru's house.
India is going all out to save yoga — a 2,000-year-old art of righteous living, from western pirates.
Between the names, Anuradha and Fiza, lies a journey that has mesmerised India. It’s a saga of love, heartbreak, intrigue, feudal mores, betrayal, family drama and political suspense.
For the first time ever in India, Sikh couples walked down a ramp in a couple contest in Ludhiana.


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