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Guruka Singh Ji speaks about how Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Living Guru.
Should Sikhs be environmentally conscious? The answer is as human beings we should be environmentally conscious. We are polluting our home, and no animal does that. For now we only have one planet so we have to start taking care of it.
Divinity is one of the steps to happiness. It is not your responsibility to teach people lessons, and it's not your responsibility what they do with that money. Act as God in that moment, see the other person's soul, and connect to their soul. Bless them in the moment as the money changes hands.
Part of SikhNet's unseen seva is to help those who reach out to us because of challenges they face in their daily lives. C.E.O. of SikhNet, Guruka Singh shares an experience he had helping someone through a difficult time.
I know that Babaji is arranging my marriage, but when will it happen? How will I know who is the right man? What about all the pressure being put on me to get married? Guruka Singh talks about the deeper issues behind these questions.
Guruka Singh answers this question by pointing out that the meaning of life is personal to who is asking the question. The meaning of life is present in each moment that can only be had by experiencing it.
What is karma? Guruka Singh describes how people think about karma in a linear way.
In the Sikh realm this questions comes up a lot. Dancing is associated with drinking, promiscuity, and violence. Guruka Singh gives his take on dancing by itself. He explains that the whole universe is dancing, and dancing is just an expression of happiness.
Crying is a natural thing that happens when your heart opens. There is nothing wrong with you if you cry during Kirtan.
People should be encouraged to take hukams from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib and read in the Akhand Paath. People should not be made to feel self conscious about their pronunciation. No one should feel "I'm not good enough or I'm not qualified." Those who have had the experience of the Guru have the duty to share it with others and not shut them out.
What is the difference between 'slander' and just acknowledging that something is wrong?
"Sometimes I feel like i'm just sitting in Gurdwara and not concentrating on anything. Is there a point to that?" Guruka Singh explains how you can engage yourself to the experience of going to Gurdwara. Forget about what other people are doing, and go deeply into yourself.
Why do people want to go to a saint, Gyani, follow some person or interpretation of someone's else.
How to manage all the many things in your daily life and stay balanced?
Do you think Guruji wants us to simply accept that everything in our lives at present and all to come to us in the future is the best for us as decided by Vaheguru and that there is no reason to ask for anything?
What is the difference between Jap and simran? We often say "let's do simran" and generally mean let's meditate on the Waheguru Mantra,
SikhNet user asks the question if Guruka Singh believes in soulmates, as in one person that you are destined to be with.
"In gurbani vichar, I have heard that there are dead souls, ghosts, angels etc around us that we cannot see with our eyes. Is this true?? Do ghosts harm us??"
...sometimes I don't know how to just stop being afraid. Is there something I can do to help with this?"
"How is the kachhera considered to be on, even while you are changing it, being on one leg?"
Question asked by a SikhNet User: "How real are people who can predict the future?
What exactly is lust? Is there a difference between sex with wife & husband and "lust?" Another video answering a SikhNet users question on the topic.
Q: "If God does everything then what about all the wrong doings in the world?"
Why do you practice Yoga? Isn't the lifestyle that the Gurus left us enough? Another talk with Guruka Singh and Gurumustuk Singh answering questions from SikhNet users.
How to maintain connection and purity in the company of those who partake in activities which are not aligned with your Consciousness?
Question about what the Aquarian age is & What does it mean? What will happen during this transition?
Tools for dealing with our transition to the Aquarian Age. In this video we go over each of the 5 sutras of the Aquarian age that SSS Harbhajan Singh Khalsa taught
We have to manage multiple streams of information and choose what needs our attention.
This is a formula for uplifting other people like a forklift. First you have to break people out of their frame of reference by poking and provoking them (politely) in order to confront them. Then you have the opportunity to change their frame of reference (elevate).
SikhNet just launched the Gurbani Media Center in November 2009, and for 2010 we plan to concentrate on improving the Children's section on SikhNet. Please become a SikhNet supporter!


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