Though coming back has offered challenge and inspiration both. the most obvious cause is my adoption of dastaar. very morning before i wear it, i feel stirrings of terror. but once it’s on, absolute certainty. this is right. and i am me now. fully.
Sikh Council UK led a joint meeting with Italian Sikh representatives, Indian Embassy and the Italian government departments to discuss the issues of Dastaar searching and the wider respect for the 5K's, Sikh articles of faith.
Our Guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji made us such heroes and called us his Singh who would care, nurture, give, protect, sacrifice and fight for a cause. Though, it's really easy to find a cause to fight for but it's tough to actually fight for one. I'll just try to ignite some fire in the fellow community-men to fight for the honor of our Turban...
The turban is our Guru's gift to us. It is how we crown ourselves as the Singhs and Kaurs who sit on the throne of commitment to our own higher consciousness...
British Police Sikh Association calls on Home Office to develop ballistic material to allow members to join firearms units
My turban saved me from death when I landed up in a maternity home with my head split into two and blood flowing like water...
Sikh Turban Styles

This page has a collection of videos which are meant to assist people in learning how to tie a turban, or to learn a different style of turban. The turbans listed here are those generally worn by people of the Sikh faith. There are quite a few different variations and turban styles that Sikhs wear. These videos are just some of the many variations. We hope that these videos are helpful for you. 

About The Turban

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