That first morning as i approached darbar sahib, my body began to shake. emotions battled inside my chest. i remember travelling towards the sun, and feeling overwhelmed. how is it possible that i ended up here?
On his arm he wore the kara or bracelet and in his holster was a kirpan. Handsome, I thought; and warrior-like. "Khalsa," said my driver, almost in an undertone. Khalsa? Who are they?...and every now and then a village straight out of Khuswant Singh's Train to Pakistan.
O Almighty, You are the Supreme Being, physically unapproachable, but we look at You as a tree on which we birds (in you) depend for solace; please grant us the unstained (naam) virtues so that we praise You - live in your remembrance and commands ( in all ages) all the time (by the Word) as taught by the Guru .
For tirst time in more than two and half decades Chief of the Army Staff General Vijay Kumar Singh today along with his entire family members reached in the holy city to pay obeisance in the sanctum Sanctorum of Harmander Sahib.
Harmandir Sahib, one of the Wonders of the World shining in the morning light, the gilded splendor of its paneling, big dome and small minarets, this temple is a fairy world palace to the devotees of the Sikh faith. Certainly, the first look brings onto the innocent eye the image of a transcendent fact.
Darbar Sahib is my FAVORITE place in the world. It is very, very close to my heart. Even right now, I feel am here in Delhi and my heart, my soul is there, out there in Amritsar!! I am just pining to visit Amritsar. Today, on the eve of the birthday of Guru Ramdas,...
A visit to Amritsar is priceless
Harimander Sahib welcomed a host of celebrities today, proving that the four doors of Darbar Sahib continue to welcome worshippers of all faiths and not just Sikhs.
Forty to fifty thousand people, on an average, partake of langar every day at Harmandar Sahib.
Private hotels and commercial complexes surrounding the Golden Temple, that mar the beauty and ambience of the Sikh shrine, were highlighted.
Surinder Kaur Badal has been taking a keen interest in imodernizing the Golden Temple complex...
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