The more we are attached to ideology and rules rather that learning and principles, the further we are from Sat Nam, the True Self.
The Chinese Communist leaders think by ignoring the Dalai Lama they cand subdue the free spirit of six million Tibetans and earn their loyalty. The leaders in Beijing are in for a bit of disappointment. By giving up his wide-ranging political powers, the 14th Dalai Lama, the man who calls himself a “simple Buddhist monk”, has thrown them a challenge that they will find it almost impossible to face...
The Dalai Lama wants to give up his lesser known role as the ceremonial leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile, an aide said Tuesday, in what appeared to be another step in the aging leader's efforts to prepare his people for life after he dies.
His Holiness was on a five day visit to Seattle on the subject of compassion.
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