Last Tuesday, Amandeep Singh, 25, of Yuba City, achieved another step in his journey and became a sworn reserve deputy with the Yuba County Sheriff's Department.
Major Kamal Kalsi is still fighting to change the policy that almost kept him out.
Quebec will lose public employees including doctors if the government insists on banning religious symbols in the workplace, says a physician from Montreal’s Sikh community.
Why do Sikhs keep long, un-cut hair?
"The turban can complement an outfit and give you more character," Bahra says. "I've noticed more people are taking pride in their turban, and I really hope to inspire younger Sikh guys to be proud of their turbans too."
A Sikh bus driver in Finland, who was ordered by his employers to remove his turban, is fighting for his right to wear the traditional headgear at work.
I felt like my dastaar educated people in a way! A dastaar is a token/crown given by the Gurus and being able to actually wear the crown just gives such a better feeling to a person. I also got many Punjabis at my school to wear dastaars too. It was just amazing!
Made for her own daughter,Sat Kartar Kaur, this amazing Coloring Book is the ideal gift for young Kaurs. It's the perfect way to introduce the beauty of the Khalsa while enjoying coloring activities! Additionally, all the proceeds from sale of the book go to improving her local Gurdwara...
With more turban colors than a box of crayons, Gurpreet Singh Sarin is the brightest-looking semifinalist on ‘American Idol’ this year. He tells us about the controversy over his appearance and how he started singing in a Potbelly Sandwich Shop.
Whereas in other countries, including Canada, there have been many hurdles for those aspiring to serve in this profession with their turbans but in Australia this has been achieved relatively with ease.
Under the Justice Department policy, a person must tell security officers they have a kirpan and wear it in a sheath, under clothing. The blade of the kirpan can be no longer than 10 centimetres.
The ban is a double-bind faced by Sikhs in this country: While others continue to look at Sikhs as foreign and alien, Sikh Americans are unable to counter this stereotype by giving their lives to this country.
The Sikh community in Australia has demanded that religious kirpan be allowed in schools after the government made an amendment in the Constitution preventing the ceremonial knife being worn in schools.
For years, Sikh community advocates have been trying to get the NYPD to reform its dress code to allow officers to wear turbans and full beards, which they say would give an equal opportunity for more Sikhs to become members of the city’s police force.
The UN Human Rights Committee has ruled that France's ban on the wearing of "conspicuous" religious symbols in schools - introduced in a law adopted in March 2004 - violated a Sikh student's right to manifest his religion, protected by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
A state surplus store in Harrisburg, Pa., sells what airport security confiscates....
“Blue clothing has been ordained in the Rehat of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. At the time the Akali Panth was created the colour blue was chosen. Our Nishan Sahib (battle standards) are blue, I do not know why this tradition of orange/yellow Nishan Sahibs has come about....."
Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace yesterday also offered a glimpse into the changing face of Britain.
"As you plant, so shall you harvest according to what you planted in the past."
Allowing your hair to grow is natural. Cutting hair is unnatural.
If we want a world where every person is treated with human dignity, the U.S. military, for one, must fully embrace what they profess to teach: respect for religious diversity.
This lack of familiarity with Sikhism can cause problems for young Sikhs. Most of them do not display all of the symbols all of the time, but they often have to explain the ones they do wear every day, usually the kesh and kara.
It's this sort of optimism that makes me believe that "looking different" has played a significant role in my way of "looking differently."
Though coming back has offered challenge and inspiration both. the most obvious cause is my adoption of dastaar. very morning before i wear it, i feel stirrings of terror. but once it’s on, absolute certainty. this is right. and i am me now. fully.
An over one-and-half-month old controversy over wearing of full-sized turban by Sikh students ended Saturday with a prominent boys’ school here allowing them to wear the headgear, an official said.
Sikhs in Shimla are on a warpath over the turban issue that has rocked the city recently. Members of the community protesting the admonishing of a student for wearing turban to school have threatened an agitation if talks with the district administration fail.
At yesterday's Vancouver Vaisakhi parade, I met two young men who were eager to educate me about the origins of the Khalsa...
Muslim and Sikh cadets will be allowed to wear a headscarf from now on following the case of a 14-year-old Muslim high school student who was who was forced to leave her Junior ROTC unit, because she could not remove her head scarf to take part in the homecoming parade.
When freshman Jaspreet Gill first donned the sacred Sikh turban—known as a pagri - at Franklin Elementary School, he was 13 years old. Instantly his friends began acting differently towards him.
Sikh Nishkam Society of Australia announces that the wonderful seva and effort they made in having the Kirpan passed in the Australian state of Queensland have borne fruit.


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