It was in the Vesakhi of 1508 Guru Nanak Ji, during the course of his first UDASI, arrived at Haridwar, and shared the message of the TRUTH with the people.
This is the story of Vasakhi day! During the time of Guru Gobind Rai, the rulers of the land were very cruel to people. They wanted everyone to join the same religion as them. A feeling of darkness and unhappiness spread through the land. The time had come for the Guru to show how to bring ......THE LIGHT!!!
[PHOTOS] Earlier this month, hundreds of Sikhs flooded the streets of Athens to celebrate Vaisakhi, the April 14 holiday that celebrates both the Sikh New Year and the founding of Sikhism in 1699.
On behalf of the city, Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens has proclaimed the month of April as Sikh Heritage Month. On April 30 the City of Windsor will celebrate the contributions of Sikhs in the community.
Organizers say the public is invited to sample free vegetarian food, meet the people of the Sikh community and learn more about their culture.
As Sikhs throughout the world celebrated Vaisakhi this week, American lawmakers in California, Pennsylvania, Texas, and the United States Congress introduced resolutions and proclamations recognizing this important occasion.
This February, Sikh holidays were included in the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Calendar, which goes out to over 1,500 schools. For the first time in history, thousands of students and public school faculty will know about the Sikh observance of Vasakhi.
Congratulations to the entire Sikh world and our friends in other faith communities on the sacred and joyous occasion of the 316th Baisakhi that falls this year on April 14th. Baisakhi, some people say Vaisakhi, is the most important and transformational event in Sikh faith history.
Long I await this day Like all who came before me. Long others await this day Like all will come after me. Brothers and sisters forged of Steel. Made by Amrit pure
She addressed hate crimes against Sikhs and the recent breakthrough, after years of effort from herself and others, that the FBI and DoJ recently started tracking hate crimes against Sikhs as a specific group.
By now, millions of Brits are used to seeing processions in celebration all over the land, from Southampton to Glasgow and dozens of places in between. Yet, very few outside of the Sikh community actually know what Vaisakhi is.
The Sikh festival Vaisakhi is on Tuesday. Ahead of the occasion, the Sikh community is coming together to hold an event, at which food can be donated, on Sunday (12 APRIL) at the Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara...
Come and join the celebration of Sikh heritage, history and culture. There’ll be a packed line up of indoor and outdoor activities for everyone.
[VIDEO] The event was robust, smooth, majestic and heartening. The organizers had been working on the event for almost half a year. Dozens gurdwaras participated in this yearly collaboration in honor of Guru Gobind Singh.
[VIDEO] ABC news picks up the Vaisakhi celebration which happened this Sunday in L.A. Watch this short video where the news talks briefly about who are Sikhs and what we believe.
The 17th annual Sikh festival will make its way into town on Sunday, drawing crowds of more than 3,500 from all over California.
Every spring, with a devotional grace, the Sikh community in Southern California bands together in Chardi Kala - high spirits - to celebrate the Birth of the Khalsa during the annual Baisakhi Celebration. The spring hearkens the energies of hope, creation, renewal and freshness.
Come and join the celebration of Sikh heritage, history and culture. The event is organised by the Mayor, with support from Singh Sabha London East and EY Sikh Network.
US House of Representatives have co-sponsored a resolution wishing the Sikh American community a joyous Vaisakhi.
This Baisakhi Day.......I slowed down long enough to say, “What is Baisakhi to me?.......What is it that will set me free?”
Vaisakhi day holds a special significance in the hearts of the Sikhs, as that is the day on which Guru Gobind Singh Ji created Khalsa in the year 1699.
Windsor's Festival Plaza was a sea of mostly yellow and marigolds on Sunday as hundreds of Sikhs gathered to celebrate the 314th birthday of their religion.
Since tradition is strong in favor of Katik (November), the celebrations will continue in the same month, couple of weeks after Diwali, but we must be clear about our history.
Prime Minister David Cameron hosted a Vaisakhi reception at his official residence at 10 Downing Street in London, England. It was a class act.
So let us celebrate together as we celebrate the formation of the Khalsa and also the birth of one of the Founding Fathers of America, who at the same time personified some of the great ideals of Sikhi.....
As the government's austerity cuts bite some of the Gurdwaras in Leicester have reported they are seeing more and more people come in for food on a daily basis and it is an extraordinary testament to the Sikh commitment to the common good, that no one is turned away.
As the decorated lead vehicle carrying the holy Guru Granth pulls in, Toronto’s annual Vaisakhi or Khalsa Parade culminates into a big rally at the city’s heart at Nathan Phillips Square. Panj Piaras who led the Khalsa Parade given prominence at the stage.
As we come to Celebrate Our Baisaikhi this year, renewing our identity as Sikhs of the Guru, it seems relevant for us to take a moment to honor both the Adversity & Prosperity that we both faced & achieved together this year
The Sikh Community of Southern California is busily preparing for the annual celebration of Vaisakhi Kirtan Darbar and Nagar Kirtan.
Sikhnugget gives a round up of Baisakhi 2012 celebrations in pictures.


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