In this period of Covid-19, the world has been hit with one of the greatest crises of our time - a crisis that has pushed aside differences and helped us realize that humanity is connected. A musical & spiritual representation of our journey, rising through this pandemic as one global human family - Presenting Guru Arjun Dev Ji’s Universal Message in ONE WORLD ONE HOPE.
One of the great geniuses of the Sikh Guru's is to gift us with a musical tradition, connecting us to the emotions of Gurbani's wisdom and deepening our inner experiences. Upon hearing this shabad so artfully sung and soulfully expressed among friends one weekend in March when the lockdown had just started, we realized it must be shared with the world in order to support healing and connectedness. Music is a Universal language and so is the wisdom of Gurbani - if we can make it more accessible by relaying it's wisdom in a way that is easy to understand, we can share this treasure with just about anyone.
Wisdom from Guruji, a musical masterpiece, a video journey through the shabad and some carefully crafted English language to invoke reflection - these components were stitched together to produce this short film. This rendition expresses a plea for support, grace and mercy, while also acknowledging the immense gifts we effortlessly receive on a continual basis. The wisdom of this shabad reminds us to fill ourselves with gratitude - a much needed perspective during this world crisis. This period in history will be defined in part by how we rise from this - our hope is that we emerge stronger and align with the deepest wisdom available to us.