Video lecture from April 19, 1987 - Guru Ram Das Ashram Gurdwara - Los Angeles, CA, USA
With in this lecture Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji touches on the following aspects of prayer:
• Siri Singh Sahib Ji narrates his own personal tale, of when he first came to Toronto, and the hardships he faced with his family. How through the prayer of his stomach he was blessed with food.
• Prayer is when your heart prays not your head... this is the heart of Sikh Dharma.
• "I am..." is the biggest sin, the point of life is to let the "I" go
• SSS explains what real prayer is.
• Ang Sang Waheguru has been taken away from Sikh Dharma.
• SSS also explains how one's own ego, spiritual ego, and different parts of the body get in the way of one's prayer.
• SSS tells us all to wake up, wake every part of our being, consciously be awake, for our most important relation ship is the one with yourself & the light.
Inspirational lessons about Sikh Dharma
During his over 30 years of traveling and teaching around the world, the Siri Singh Sahib gave many talks about the spiritual technology of Sikh Dharma. Some of these talks were video taped.
Now, for the first time, Sikh Dharma International is taking this precious archival footage and developing it into broadcasts for cable and satellite television, as well as for the World Wide Web. Currently, these programs air on JusPunjabi 24/7 American Punjabi Cable Television. And, you can view them here on-line at!
These programs are produced through the support of our Sikh Dharma Dasvandh program. If you would like to contribute to Sikh Dharma, or if you would like to become a sponsor for one of these broadcasts, please click here for more information.