Guruka Singh is SikhNet’s Executive director and original founder of SikhNet back in 1983 as a BBS System. Late last year he changed his whole job focus…and decided to work again with SikhNet (as a full time job). For me personally it is so cool to work with him and share our passions for SikhNet together. It’s amazing how God works these things out!
Guruka is a great mentor for me and I learn a lot from him on all different levels. He has so much to share, and does so enthusiastically with everyone around him. Guruka Singh sets such a great example for me and others to learn from. I think he has a lot to offer in a very unique way, and hope he has the opportunity in the future to travel to other Sikh communities to share/teach the youth (and the old folk if they are willing).
Yesterday afternoon I had a lot of fun sitting with Guruka Singh and talking to him about a variety of topics (which I recorded). I will edit and post the different videos over the next few weeks. Lots of very good stuff! One thing that will be very apparent in the videos is his enthusiasm, smiles and joy. This is who he is…and what I feel living as a Sikh can bring to each of us.
The video that I am posting tonight is about himself personally becoming a Sikh and being a parent.
(Right click on above link and select "save target as")