The latest interview with Guruka Singh is on the topic of looking different as a Sikh. The question was something along the lines of, "What is the purpose of Bana and looking different as a Sikh?".
A few weeks back I was recording a video message for our upcoming annual fund raiser for SikhNet. I had all the video equipment setup and wanted to make full use of it, so I cornered Guruka Singh with a few of the latest questions that many of you had emailed (this being one of them). I have been trying to get some interviews with other people (for variety), but it’s always hard since most of the people I want to interview are not local here or always busy. Guruka Singh and I office together, so it’s always easy to do these recordings with him. Plus, he’s just lots of fun to record! You never know what is going to come out of his mouth! Hahaha… It always seems to just flow out so easily without any thought or preparation and come from the heart. Wahe Guru!
If you would like to suggest a question for a future video interview with Guruka Singh or others feel free to drop me an email…or post a comment here. Questions/topics should be universal in nature so that others would benefit from it.
Duration: 2:22