In a groundbreaking new series, technology and history collide head-on in ten action-packed episodes in which we witness first-hand the power of pivotal world changing weapons, like the Sikh chakram.

‘Weapon Masters’ explores the history and science of ten weapons of the ancient world. The series premiered Sept. 1 in the United Kingdom on Discovery Knowledge, and Sept. 7 in the United States on Discovery Military. Hosting the series is internationally known weapons expert and historian, Mike Loades.

In the final British airing on Sept. 13, 2 p.m., of the ‘Chakram’ episode, Loades explores the history of the steel quoit, a weapon used by the Sikhs and known as the chakram or chakkar. The American premiere is scheduled for Oct. 26, 9 p.m., a Discovery Channel spokesman said.

Loades traveled to Punjab to meet with Nidar Singh Nihang, a master swordsman who has spent the last 20 years researching the history, philosophy, and unique warrior traditions of the Akali-Nihang Sikhs.

“In India I met the Akali Nihangs, a nomadic sect of Sikh warriors, from whom I learned various techniques for throwing the chakram – a razor-edged steel battle quoit – both on foot and from horses and elephants!” Loades writes in his blog.

“Although it was my first experience with the chakram, I managed to throw one 40 yards with no trouble at all. The chakram has an airfoil cross-section and you can see it working - it really does fly.” Loades actually had its aerodynamics tested in a wind tunnel at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, which is shown in the episode.

“And it is surprising how quickly one can become accurate with it at shorter ranges.”

Nidar Singh, an expert in Indian martial arts, demonstrates many different techniques for throwing the chakkar, as the chakram is more commonly known in the Punjab. The tajini method of spinning it on the index finger is the most well known but there are other methods, such as bowling it underarm as the warrior approaches an enemy, throwing it on the move or the more powerful diagonal throws from left to right and right to left.

“As well as the different types of throw, there are many different types of chakram,” Loades blogs. “From the standard ones around nine to10 inches in diameter to small bracelet-sized ones worn on the forearm and flicked at an enemy's face at close quarters, with an action similar to flicking a deck of cards. At the other end of the scale are the large chakrams of two-feet diameter, which are worn around the neck.

Nidar Singh showed me a technique for deploying these from the second or third ranks behind the front line when engaged in hand-to-hand fighting - they are thrown almost vertically to descend on the heads of the enemy’s front line.”

A traditional Indian blacksmith also tells Loades the metalworking techniques of making a chakram. “I traveled to Patiala where I met the brothers Harinder and Mobinder Singh who showed me how to make a chakram in a traditional forge.”

In each hour-long episode, Loades travels to a different international location to examine a particular ancient weapon and learn about the cultures where the weapon was used. He also has an expert demonstrate the techniques behind each weapon. He then challenges his co-host and master craftsman, Chad Houseknecht, to improve upon it using modern manufacturing techniques and materials.

By Amandeep Singh

Note: Top images shows Mike Loades testing the chakram in Punjab, courtesy Loades blog.

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