Troy, MI – Lightpost Pictures is pleased to announce the release of Ocean of Pearls” on DVD. The movie can be ordered online at

“There have been many films, serious and comic, about the culture clashes … “Sarab Singh Neelam's intense and distinctive "Ocean of Pearls" is one of the very best….. That Neelam was a medical doctor before becoming a filmmaker gives his picture its exceptional impact and complexity.” Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times

The movie is groundbreaking in many ways; noteworthy for being the first film out of Hollywood by a Sikh director and also to star a Sikh lead character.

The story of Amrit Singh is one of an intense journey and his struggle to find peace as a 20-something young Sikh surgeon grappling to fit in. In his quest for ambitious pursuit of career success, he soon learns that he must first define his own singular identity before he achieves peace. It speaks to the universal challenge faced by many people (not just Sikhs) to balance romance, family, ethics and spirituality in today's complex world. Dr. Neelam hopes it will be an inspiration to all. The theme of “finding yourself” has resonated with audiences from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. “We all struggle with something or another about ourselves and this movie reminds us that it’s OK to be different, but we should not compromise on our values.”

Since its completion in 2008, “Ocean Of Pearls” has been a huge success. The film went to numerous film festivals both nationally and internationally, has won several key awards such as Best Picture, Audience Choice Award and Grand Jury Critics Award. It was later released in mainstream theaters in select cities in North America.

The director, Dr. Neelam, himself a practicing physician has been humbled by the letters and emails he has received of how the movie has profoundly affected the viewer in a positive way.  He comments about a Sikh youth who was thinking of cutting their hair and decided against it after watching the film. You can’t put a price on that said Dr. Neelam.   

Dr. Neelam has been very thankful with the large non Sikh audiences who have really appreciated the film and how it has served as an avenue to expand their knowledge in the wider community. One moviegoer commented “I will now see a Sikh with understanding, not ignorance....”  “Finally we know what it feels like to walk in the shoes of a Sikh man” wrote a reviewer.

Special screenings were requested and arranged for several educational institutions including US medical school and high schools. “This movie has an appeal to a much wider audience and it really helps to break down stereotypes and promote understanding between communities”, comments Dr. Neelam.

One of the bigger challenges facing us in doing other projects that depict Sikhs with dignity on screen is piracy. 
Buying original copies makes these projects financially viable and will encourage future Sikh writers and directors to share our many beautiful stories with the world.  We have full faith that there are enough honest people in the world buying original DVD’s to make our next project a reality whether  it be a road trip comedy, a children’s adventure or a film on Gatka.  

Please order your DVD(s) online at

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