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What a beautiful video. The joy and ecstasy of the day, filled with Guru Ji's kirpaa, comes through so perfectly. Luckily Tanveer and Gursharan have graciously allowed SikhNet to share their video with everyone. May all marriages be so blessed!

Even though the groom had stomach flu, and it rained for most of the day, nothing could dampen the beauty of this Anand Karaj.

The first part of the video utilizes a shabd that the bride and groom sung themselves for their own wedding. The second song is a personal favourite of ours.

Take the time necessary to let the entire video load before you watch it.  It's worth the wait!

Tanveer+Gursharan...A Sikh Wedding In Two Parts from Artäge Pictures on Vimeo.

Steven Somfalvi
Artäge Pictures
Tel: 905-ARTAGE2

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