Just released are two beautiful new CDs from Bachan Kaur (Vancouver, Canada). Her music is very meditative and etheric. Her sweet innocent smile, soft voice and acoustic guitar just relaxes you and puts you in a meditative and calm space. Not only does she create beautiful music from the heart but a creative artist. You can see some her art on her website.

Back in 2006 I featured her first CD and have been listening to it ever since. I heard about her recording a new album a long time ago so wondered when she would finish. It was a nice surprise to hear that she was releasing TWO new cds all at once.

Last night I bought both her CDs on her website, and the cool thing is that you can pay for them and download them right away as MP3 files. No need to wait for the physical CD. I use digital audio players most of the time, so CD disks are just a means for getting the music and then I transfer to my MP3 player or computer.

Anyways…she has this cool 2 for 1 deal right now for her new CDs (till Dec 12th). She says "Give a Green Gift". You Pick out & buy ANY mp3 album to send as a gift to a loved one, then you pick out an album for yourself which you’ll receive for FREE! I got one for myself and the other one sent to my wife (Arjan). I know technically it’s all in the family, but who isn’t going to want both CDs??? In any case it’s a cool concept to give a gift to a friend and share the music with someone else.

I just finished listening to the first album "Anahat" and it is so relaxing, and puts you in a very meditative space. I think this album is mean to be the "Meditative" theme CD. I’m now on to listen to the second album…..

I love the name of her website which is an expansion on the word "Human". "Hu" means light and "Man" means person. So we are people of light. Her website is Huemanbeing.com. One of her new CDs continues the play on words in the same theme. The album is titled "illumine*nation". Cool eh?

Ok, the second album (illumine*nation) is definitely a different pace!! Quite unexpected. Starting off with the the first track "My Angels Say" it starts slow and then you just want to "get down" and move with the beat. It’s quite energetic and fun!

The second track follows suite with Guru Gobind Singh’s Shabad "Reh Man Eh Bidh Jog Kamau". It’s a lively and happy audio track that makes you want to shine.

The third track "Ong Namo" reminds me a bit of Talvin Singh with a bit of electronic influence. Definitely original.

I wondered what the shoes with wings meant for this CD cover, but after listening to the tracks I think it means (at least for me) that the music will make you take off and fly with the up-beat grooves. This is definitely an awesome album :) 

Ok, I want to keep listening to the music (I haven't even finished yet!) but I have a SikhNet meeting in the office pretty soon, so have to get going. You can bet I'm going to keep listening when I get to the office!

Both the CDs are awesome and I highly recommend that you get them. They are quite affordable too!  You can sample all the audio tracks on the CD on Bachan Kaur’s website, so don’t waste any more time and head on over there to get copies.  If you buy the "MP3 Album" you can download the albums pretty much right away and be meditating and grooving :) 

Get a Copy of the new albums by Bachan Kaur

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