WSC-AR Holds Annual General Body Meeting

WSRLogo (61K)October 19, 2011: Delegates of WSC-AR member Gurdwaras and Sikh organizations from across the US convened for the annual General Body meeting of the World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) at the Down River Gurdwara Sahib in Detroit, Michigan from October 7 to 9, 2011.“At this annual gathering, the focus of our work was to make the functioning of WSC-AR more effective by responding to the needs of our member organizations, developing mission, vision, goals, and objectives, and reflecting on the accomplishments of the Sikh community” said Dr. Manohar Singh, Chairperson of WSC-AR.

The meeting opened Friday evening with three brainstorming sessions on US Gurdwara reform, scope of organizational focus (global, US, India, Punjab), and development of international Sikh structure. The Saturday morning and early afternoon sessions were devoted to refining the mission and vision of WSC-AR through a collaborative consultative process. A conflict resolution structure developed by a WSC-AR task force to amicably resolve internal conflicts within US Sikh organizations was presented on Saturday afternoon and received overwhelming support. The business meeting of WSC-AR General Body was held on Saturday evening followed by the screening of award-winning documentary “Roots and Wings” produced by a Sikh American teen. The Sunday morning session was devoted to developing goals and objectives for WSC-AR.

Objectives proposed at the meeting included organizational focus on US Gurdwara reform (including conflict resolution services, standardization of Gurdwara practices, Granthi certification, and educational resources), young adult development, and increasing organizational membership as well as volunteer resources.

The final organizational mission, vision, goals, and objectives are expected to be approved by the end of 2011.

WSRGroup (58K)

Representatives of member Sikh Gurdwaras and organizations from New York to California and Illinois to Texas attended the meeting. Represented at the meeting were the following member organizations: Guru Nanak Sikh Mission, Livingston (California); Gurdwara Guru Angad Darbar, Bakersfield (California); Colorado Singh Sabha, Denver (Colorado); Sikh Study Circle of Atlanta, Atlanta (Georgia); Sikh Religious Society of Chicago, Palatine (Illinois); Sikhs Serving America, Topeka (Kansas); New England Sikh Study Circle, Boston (Massachusetts); Singh Sabha of Michigan, Canton (Michigan); Sikh Gurdwara of Michigan, Rochester Hills (Michigan); Sikh Society of Michigan, Madison Heights (Michigan); Sikh Gurdwara of North Carolina, Durham (North Carolina); Sikh Sabha of Upper Valley, Hanover (New Hampshire); Sikh Cultural & Educational Society of Western New York, Buffalo (New York); Sikh Religious Society of Dayton, Dayton (Ohio); Guru Nanak Foundation of Greater Cleveland, Richfield (Ohio); Guru Gobind Singh Sikh Society, Bedford (Ohio); Guru Nanak Religious Society of Central Ohio, Columbus (Ohio); Sikh Educational & Religious Foundation, Dublin (Ohio); Sikh Youth Alliance of North America, Toledo (Ohio); Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Richardson (Texas); and Sikh Association of Central Virginia, Glen Allen (Virginia). The World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) is a representative and elected body of Sikh Gurdwaras and institutions in the United States. Its members include 47 Gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship) and other Sikh institutions, across the nation. WSC-AR works to promote Sikh interests at the national and international level focusing on issues of advocacy, education, and well-being of humankind.


Member Gurdwaras of WSC-AR:

1. Pacific Coast Khalsa Diwan Society, Stockton, CA
2. Gurdwara Sahib Fremont, Fremont, CA
3. Guru Nanak Sikh Mission, Livingston, CA
4. Sikh Gurdwara of LA, North Hollywood, CA
5. Sikh Gurdwara Riverside, Riverside, CA
6. Gurdwara Guru Angad Darbar, Bakersfield, CA
7. Colorado Singh Sabha, Denver, CO
8. Guru Singh Sabha of Augusta, Augusta, GA
9. Sikh Study Circle of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
10. Sikh Religious Society of Chicago, Palatine, IL
11. Sikh Society of South, New Orleans, LA
12. New England Sikh Study Circle, Boston, MA
13. Singh Sabha of Michigan, Canton, MI
14. Sikh Gurdwara of Michigan, Rochester Hills, MI
15. Sikh Society of Michigan, Madison Heights, MI
16. Guru Nanak Foundation of Jackson, MS
17. Sikh Gurdwara of North Carolina, Durham, NC
18. Sikh Sabha of Upper Valley, Hanover, NH
19. Garden State Sikh Association, Bridgewater, NJ
20. Guru Nanak Sikh Society of Delaware Valley, Sewell, NJ
21. Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Glenrock, NJ
22. Sikh Sabha of New Jersey, Lawrenceville, NJ
23. Gurdwara Baba Deep Singh, Las Vegas, NV
24. Sikh Cultural Society Inc., Richmond Hills, NY
25. Sikh Cultural & Edu. Society of Western NY, Buffalo, NY
26. Sikh Foundation of Syracuse, Liverpool, NY
27. Sikh Religious Society of Dayton, Dayton, OH
28. Guru Nanak Found. of Greater Cleveland, Richfield, OH
29. Guru Gobind Singh Sikh Society, Bedford, OH
30. Guru Nanak Religious Soc. of Central Ohio, Columbus, OH
31. Sikh Sadh Sangat, Easton, PA
32. Philadelphia Sikh Society, Millbourne, PA
33. Tristate Sikh Cultural Society, Monroeville, PA
34. Mid South Sikh Sabha, Memphis, TN
35. Sikh Center of Gulf Coast, Houston, TX
36. Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Richardson, TX
37. Sikh Gurdwara of North Texas, Garland, TX
38. Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Fairfax, VA
39. Sikh Association of Central Virginia, VA
40. Sikh Religious Society of Wisconsin, Brookfield, WI

Other Sikh Institution Members of WSC-AR:

1. Siri Guru Granth Sahib Found., Anaheim, CA
2. Sikhs Serving America, Topeka, KS
3. Sikh Youth Federation of North America, White Plains, NY
4. Sikh Heritage Foundation, Long Island, NY
5. Sikh Educational & Religious Foundation, Dublin, OH
6. Sikh Youth Federation of USA, Toledo, OH
7. Academy of Guru Granth Studies, Arlington, TX

World Sikh Council - America Region | POB 3635 | Columbus, OH 43210
Contact: Dr. Tarunjit Singh, Secretary General,
[email protected], Phone: 888-340-1702



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