Here is a short write up by a teenager, who was present when the Sikh Awareness Society's, Bhai Mohan Singh of Birmingham UK did an hour long speech with the aid of an overhead projector, on the 'Virus of Fake Gurus. - Venue - Singh Sabha Gurdwara Sahib in Peterborough 2 days ago.
A lot of the time the comments after a speech to the speaker is of 'well done' and that, usually is by adults, as the youngsters are too shy or overwhelmed by the presence of such speakers that they tend not to give their reaction and thus the speaker is not aware of the positive effect he or she may have had on the next generation, who in fact the speech was intended for.
This short piece of honest writing shows what went on in the mind of a young Sikh teenager who was there.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Gurjit Singh Walia
Sikh Awareness Society
Leicester Branch UK
When I was on my way to the Gurdwara in Peterborough there wasn’t much that I was expecting beside a long speech about general Sikhism and what you should do to be a good Sikh and stuff like that. Before I entered the divan hall I had just heard of bhai Hohan Singh very slightly and that he had brought back 92 converted girls who were converted from Sikhism to either the Muslim or Christian faith.
The expression that gave me off Bhai Mohan Singh was that he’s done something really good for the Sikh community and those girls families, but how does that affect me as a Sikh and the Sikh community itself now or in the future? After I did my matha tek and sat down to listen to the speech my question was answered straight away Bhai Mohan Singh who said “they are 25 mllion Sikhs on this planet, and it won’t make a difference to Christians if 1 or 2 million of thire race converted because there are two billion Christians on this planet but it will make a difference to Sikhs, it won’t make a difference to Islam because there are 1 billion of them on this planet, but it will make a difference to Sikhism. That sort of hit me in the face like a brick and I thought to myself something so obvious is in front of my eyes and I didn’t realize it.
The presentation that Bhai Mohan Singh did was very strong to its roots and was straight to the point, which told me a lot more about Sikhism and that’s what a lot of Sikhs lack and that’s us, we lack in knowledge of our own history so we get locked down by other peoples arguments and give in very easily, which is not something Guru Gobind Singh Ji told us to do, we should be fighting for our religion more and the only way we can do that is to know our religion more, not by listening to the fake parcharaks that pretend to be Sikhs when they are around us and then suddenly change when they are with a different faith group, this should not be tolerated by Sikhs and most importantly not followed or believed. Because of Bhai Mohan Singh’s speech I learnt a lot about fake gurus and preachers who guide us the wrong way for their own benefit.
I’ve learnt to be more aware of people and I’m becoming more aware of my religion day by day which is what every Sikh needs to do.
Thank you
Zora Singh (14 years old)